All in Interior Design

How I created an office library in a tiny room using Ikea Billy bookcases

If you know me, you’ll know I have a penchant for gloss paint! I’ve wanted to create a red study/library/creative space/very bold room for some time, so having the opportunity to do that in my back bedroom has been a real trip! Although the box bedroom is exactly that (just over 2 meters squared pre- bookcases), I knew that designed well, the wall to wall glossy bookcases would really work in here, regardless of it’s size.

The Standard, London; The 1970’s Design Hotel of Dreams

The Standard, London is housed in the former Camden Town Hall Annex built in 1974 in true Brutalist style, and it’s been on my hotel wish list since it opened in 2019. With it’s jaw-droppingly cool interior, sympathetic to its 1970’s exterior, great restaurants and bars within its shell, and bedrooms with a view of my favourite building in London - I thought it was time to visit The Standard.

Meet The Maker - Eleanor Bowmer; Determined Attitude, Joyful Designs

I came across Eleanor Bowmer’s work last year when researching independent, local businesses for my Indie Christmas Gift Guide. I quickly found myself in a rabbit hole of manic ordering when I discovered her retro inspired Christmas designs - Christmas stockings, Santa sacks, cards and wrap (and that was just for me) were fast being added to cart.

How To Buy A Statement Rug: The LLG Guide

I have a thing for rugs, but I equate the researching and purchasing of rugs to the same stress involved in buying the ‘big coat’ for the winter season. Because it’s such an investment piece, it needs to be everything; durable, well-made, great value, transformative, statement, BEAUTIFUL and most importantly, work with everything you have.

Meet The Maker - Poodle & Blonde; A Fearless Female Dynamic Duo

Poodle & Blonde is a favourite luxury interior brand of mine which I’ve fallen head over heals in love with. Launched in 2018, headed up by creatives Whinnie Williams and Kierra Campbell, (who first met on Instagram!) their homewear brand is built on and inspired by times-gone-by, nostalgia, vintage, sometimes with a pet motif and oftentimes with a heap of of whimsy, kitsch and fun.

The ‘Emotional’ Interior Lifestyle Trends of 2021

As well as the usual ‘physical’ side of trends, in my opinion, 2020-2021, more than previous years have given rise to what I’m calling ‘emotional’ trends. These are what I believe to be the common sentiments and attitudes of the public, in terms of how we’re approaching general life, working life and home life as a result of Covid-19.

Design Book Wish List - An Enriching Start to the New Year - Part 2

Deeper into lockdown we go, and my mid-January birthday is on the horizon. All I want to do is eat comfort food, but I’m trying to impose a health kick on myself to boost my system post festive season richness. The daily walk is helping my sanity and I’m appreciating the air in my face, even if today’s was fuzzy rain.