All in Sustainability

Meet The Maker - Poodle & Blonde; A Fearless Female Dynamic Duo

Poodle & Blonde is a favourite luxury interior brand of mine which I’ve fallen head over heals in love with. Launched in 2018, headed up by creatives Whinnie Williams and Kierra Campbell, (who first met on Instagram!) their homewear brand is built on and inspired by times-gone-by, nostalgia, vintage, sometimes with a pet motif and oftentimes with a heap of of whimsy, kitsch and fun.

The ‘Emotional’ Interior Lifestyle Trends of 2021

As well as the usual ‘physical’ side of trends, in my opinion, 2020-2021, more than previous years have given rise to what I’m calling ‘emotional’ trends. These are what I believe to be the common sentiments and attitudes of the public, in terms of how we’re approaching general life, working life and home life as a result of Covid-19.

Lockdown DIY: How to transform an old pine dining chair into the statement piece of your dreams

The prospect of refurbishing this chair has been looming over me for so long. When furlough came along via lockdown, I promised myself that I’d use the time to finally tackle it and start ordering the paint and fabric samples that I’ve been threatening to do for years.


Old, new, repurposed, cheap, expensive, passed down… I'm drawn to all types of furniture and I collect pieces based on values like practicality, nostalgia, value for money, soul and of course… love. As we’re rightly experiencing an increased awareness for sustainability and taking responsibility for shopping more sensibly, we’re starting to think about how we can be more considered with our buying patterns, and how we procure furniture and accessories for our home.