All tagged DIY

How I created an office library in a tiny room using Ikea Billy bookcases

If you know me, you’ll know I have a penchant for gloss paint! I’ve wanted to create a red study/library/creative space/very bold room for some time, so having the opportunity to do that in my back bedroom has been a real trip! Although the box bedroom is exactly that (just over 2 meters squared pre- bookcases), I knew that designed well, the wall to wall glossy bookcases would really work in here, regardless of it’s size.

Lockdown DIY: How to transform an old pine dining chair into the statement piece of your dreams

The prospect of refurbishing this chair has been looming over me for so long. When furlough came along via lockdown, I promised myself that I’d use the time to finally tackle it and start ordering the paint and fabric samples that I’ve been threatening to do for years.


It’s interesting that by adding something as simple as pictures to walls can dramatically change the feel of a space and turn a house onto a cosy home. In the same way that accessories such as cushions, vases and throws add interest and depth to a room, art work on the walls does the same thing by elevating a mere shell into a place that has life, soul and warmth.