All tagged home office

How I created an office library in a tiny room using Ikea Billy bookcases

If you know me, you’ll know I have a penchant for gloss paint! I’ve wanted to create a red study/library/creative space/very bold room for some time, so having the opportunity to do that in my back bedroom has been a real trip! Although the box bedroom is exactly that (just over 2 meters squared pre- bookcases), I knew that designed well, the wall to wall glossy bookcases would really work in here, regardless of it’s size.

Working From The 'Home Office'? Better Make It Damn Cool

With flexible working becoming more opportune, and in a lot of cases mandatory since the Covid outbreak, we’ve had to evaluate how and where we set up our work stations each day in order to concentrate, be comfortable and most importantly, able to disconnect from it all when ‘leaving work’. So where possible, it pays to have a designated area at home that’s set up specifically for work.